Laboratory of Elasticity and Resistance of Materials - LERMA
LERMA has been developing its research, transfer and teaching activities since 1971. It is located in building H floor -1 of the ETSEIB. The services it provides cover the following areas:
-Mechanical characterization of materials: constitutive and resistant
-Advanced testing of components, structures and materials
-Experimental component analysis (extensometry and DIC)
-Structural integrity analysis (static, impact, fatigue) of tested components
-Simulation and optimization of tested components
LERMA is linked to the REMM research group, which focuses its research on thin-walled metal components and structures and mixed steel and concrete slabs. The group uses analytical, numerical and experimental tools. Other quite active lines of research are the behavior and design of structures under the action of fire, and fatigue and structural integrity. More recently, the group has opened up to two research fields that have become relevant in recent times: additive manufacturing, where they work on the mechanical characterization of materials and the simulation of the manufacturing process, and bioengineering.
Project with the company Mercalux.
Since 1998 LERMA has permanently maintained a research and development program on the structural behavior of metal shelving components. As part of the program, tests and experimental analyses, studies and analyzes of their behavior and failure modes, studies on the influence of geometric and material parameters, as well as on the performance of the components, are carried out. Proposals are also made for modifications and improvements to shelving systems and their components.
Project on structural behavior of thin profiles of cold formed sheet metal
Special incidence with products related to ribbed sheets, tubes and open profiles and mixed steel-concrete slabs. Design, calculation and testing of the different turnkey products. Structural collapse study of thin profiles. Agreements and services with national companies: Incoperfil, Europerfil, Metalperfil and Ingeperfil, and European companies: ArcelorMittal, Astron Buildings and Crawford Global.
3D printing project
Research projects related to additive manufacturing focus on two different low-cost technologies: digital mask system (MIP-SL) and fused filament fabrication (FFF). In both technologies, the main elastic and/or resistant parameters of the printed parts are evaluated through experimental tests depending on the printing parameters. On the other hand, numerical models are also developed that allow predicting the structural behavior of the printed parts and that help to correctly optimize the printing parameters.
- Universal servo-hydraulic machine, with computer control MTS Model 810. Maximum capacity ± 250 kN
- INSTRON Model 3366 static universal electromechanical testing machine. Maximum capacity ±10 kN
- Concrete testing machine. CONTROLS Automax. Flexion up to 300kN, compression up to 2000kN.
- Test benches: multifunction (maximum capacities of ±100 kN) and uniaxial tests (maximum capacity 1000 KN)
- Test frame anchored to concrete slab. Maximum capacity 400kN
- Longitudinal frame for compression tests on props and light structures. Maximum capacity 200kN
- Biaxial test frame. Axial capacity: 400 kN (compression), Transverse capacity: ±200 kN
- PC-based data acquisition system with ADVANTECH board, 16-bit 816 PC. Capture up to 100 kS/s.
- 6-channel extensometry equipment brand HBM model MGC PLUS.
- Extensometry equipment with 40 multiplexed channels brand HBM model Model UPM 60
- DIC stress analysis equipment (Camera: IDS UI-2100SE-M-GL)
- Technical software and numerical simulation by finite elements