ETSEIB Thermodynamics Laboratory
The Thermodynamics Laboratory of the ETSEIB and the ESEIAAT of the UPC together with researchers from the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Analytical and Organic Chemistry of the URV make up the interuniversity research group Thermoset Epoxy Polymers (POLTEPO) with SGR recognition. The POLTEPO group has experience in organic synthesis and structural characterization of monomers and polymers, reaction kinetics, mechanistic and phenomenological studies of thermal curing processes, photocuring and dual curing technology, 3D printing, and on mechanical, thermal, rheological and dielectric of polymeric materials. The interdisciplinarity of the group together with the available equipment allow the group to address everything from research and development projects to services for companies and other research groups, especially in the field of thermoset polymers.
You will find our Price list here. If the service requires preparation or any additional service that is not charged, it will be invoiced separately. Contact us to resolve any questions or hire our services
Services |
Prices (IVA not included) |
FTIR spectroscopy |
75 € / sample |
DSC calorimetric test (glass transition, reaction heat, crystallinity) |
75 € / sample |
Dynamic or isothermal reaction kinetics by DSC. |
400 € |
Linear expansion coefficient for TMA | 150 € / sample |
Dynamomechanical test by DMA | 100 € / sample |
Dynamomechanical test by DMA at temperature below ambient | 150 € / sample |
Master curve of a polymer for DMA | 400 € |
Thermobalance test (degradation in inert or oxidizing atmosphere) | 100 € / sample |
- Dynamomechanical analyzer DMA Q800 (TA instruments)
- Thermomechanical analyzer TMA/SDTA 840 (Mettler Toledo)
- Photocalorimeter FotoDSC-821 (Mettler Todelo)
- DSC-822e calorimeter (Mettler Toledo)
- DSC3+ calorimeter (Mettler Toledo)
- TGA/DSC1 thermobalance (Mettler Toledo)
- FTIR Vertex 70 spectrophotometer with thermal control and photoirradiation (Bruker)
- 3D printer (Asiga Max UV)