Grid connection lab
The connection of generation systems, which are connected to the grid through power converters, are increasing rapidly. These converters are capable of providing new functionality to improve network stability.
Main objective of the infrastructure:
-Experimenting with smart networks.
-Improve the response of electrical networks to network contingencies.
-Design of applications for the communication of the power processors of different power plants.
-Experimenting with control structures capable of feeding critical loads in fault conditions.
-Design of advanced interactive network control systems for power processors of clean energy sources.

Services it offers
- Integration of storage systems in industrial environments
- Online platforms for managing flexibility services
- Real-time simulation systems (Digital Twins) with remote access
- Applications of data analytics algorithms to analyze the behavior of energy systems
Project for intelligent distributed management and control of electrical systems for isolated communities based on interconnectable microgrids Energy Analytics.
Many people living in isolated vulnerable communities around the world lack access to electricity and are disproportionately dependent on the availability of oil for their well-being. The continued cost reduction of solar photovoltaic and energy storage technologies – coupled with growing social awareness and the necessary institutional support – suggests that these communities could access electricity through the deployment of electrical microgrids. devices, such as batteries, that can work both as an isolated system, locally generating the energy consumed by the loads, and connected to the grid, exchanging energy with a main grid. Microgrids considered to electrify isolated areas will be born as autonomous systems. , but are expected to interconnect with each other to generate power clusters, where a group of microgrids will work collaboratively to increase the robustness and reliability of the resulting system. Finally, an electrical cluster of this type, which benefits from energy analysis, is expected to be connected to an energy distribution system to consolidate the electrification of this isolated area. The technical feasibility of microgrids has been demonstrated in various projects over decades.
Adequately study an intelligent distributed energy system resulting from an organic growth of expandable and interconnectable microgrids. Designing an intelligent distributed control and management system to realize a microgrid-based distributed energy system is the main goal of this project.
- Experimental configuration of microgrids
- Workbench for designing and testing PCBs.
- Grid simulator
- Auxiliary loads and generation systems
- Controllable AC and DC power supplies
- Advanced HIL control systems (dSpace)
- DSP development systems
- Oscilloscopes and digital counters