
Numerical simulation

Numerical simulation integrates mathematical tools to model, simulate, or predict the behavior of engineering, applied, and applied science devices, products, and processes.

These are the services that our research groups can develop. For customized information on the services, please contact us.


Areas of service Applications of the service Scientific infrastructure
Advanced numerical simulation of open channel water flow and processes associated with the IBER model Generation of hazard maps for risk of flooding, optimisation of the management of sediments in reservoirs, optimisation and design of hydraulic works. B0 Laboratory, Institute of River Dynamics and Hydrological Engineering
Numerical simulation of industrial manufacturing processes  Training in metal processes, casting processes, virtual training process in metal forging. RMEE - CIMNE cluster computing
Analysis and virtual representation of processes and methods  For all kinds of industrial applications: biomedicine, biomechanics, study of compounds, study of design of existing compounds, study of material fatigue, biomechanics of biological materials, fracture and fragmentation, electromagnetic materials and structural failures, etc. RMEE - CIMNE cluster computing
 Simulations of 3D printing Design of flexible production processes RMEE - CIMNE cluster computing
Analysis and design of materials and metamaterials  Design materials with exotic properties: acoustic, electromagnetic, mechanical and optical metamaterials, among others.  RMEE - CIMNE cluster computing
Finite element simulation  Simulations of the functioning of parts  
Dynamic simulation of mechanical systems Analysis of the behaviour of a mechanism  
Simulations of the continuous medium: solids and fluids. Coupled problems Undertaking of complex simulations of coupled systems in a continuous media: fluids, deformable solids. Design and computational validation of aeronautical industry, automotive industry and construction solutions. Advanced Center of Mechanical Technologies (CATMECH)
Cyberphysical applications in the cloud for machine diagnosis and industrial processes    
Data-based models and systems: event prediction and classification    

Computing, calculation, IBER, Flood risk modeling, dynamic river modeling, numerical modeling, virtual simulation, analysis and design of manufacturing processes, analysis and design of new materials and metamaterials, virtual simulation of natural phenomena and catastrophes, mechanical design, analysis and simulation , mechanical systems, robotics, robotic platforms, flexible mechanisms, data acquisition, machinery measurements, machine testing, simulations, computation, MEF, CFD, electronic equipment, electrical equipment, power converters, sensor networks, IoT sensors, IoT communications, decision support systems, predictive maintenance, fault tolerant control systems, process predictive models, industrial processes, machinery diagnostics, energy management industrial processes, diagnostic clouds.