
Construction 4.0

The construction concept 4.0 is based on the interoperability of human and material resources through the use of IoT, cloud computing and robotics. In essence, the virtualization of constructive processes for their improvement and the decentralization of decision-making through the use of real-time information.

These are the services that our research groups can develop. For customized information on the services, please contact us.


Areas of service Applications of the service Scientific infrastructure
Diagnosis of structures, structural assessments Studies and reports or statements on pathology, damage diagnosis, causes of observed damage and their impact on resistance, functionality and durability of structures, based on the latest knowledge. LATEM
Refurbishments Proposals of solutions for the repair, reinforcement or remodelling of structures based on theoretical studies and laboratory tests. LATEM
Theoretical justification studies associated with the development of new tests of materials or structures Creation of new construction materials, new applications for existing construction materials. LATEM
Development of specific or highly specialised software for structural calculations  Systematisation of calculation of construction variable for clients in the sector. Handbook of concrete or steel profiles, design of structures of a specific typology, software for the design of reinforcements with certain techniques and materials. LATEM
Preparation of reference documents on materials, techniques or products, at the request of companies and institutions On the practical application of regulations, design recommendations, recommendations on carrying out tests, quality control, legal reports, etc.  LATEM
Courses for companies and institutions Teaching of courses ad hoc on topics relating to analysis, design, technology, reinforcement or construction of structures and their materials. Particular impact on: new materials, changes in regulations, new calculation methods and courses to update knowledge on techniques (reinforced or prestressed concrete, metal structures, masonry structures or wooden structures, etc.). LATEM


Construction, infrastructure, construction 4.0, structural testing, material testing, monitoring, non-destructive techniques, building materials, steel, cement, concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, recycled aggregate concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, masonry, fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs), structures, structural reinforcement, durability, waste recovery, infrastructure maintenance, bridges, dams, tunnels, building, historic buildings, offshore structures, materials technology.