
Electrical and electronic equipment

Electronics is the branch of physics and engineering specialization, which studies and uses electronic devices that work by controlling the flow of electrons and other electrically charged particles in devices. The pure study of these devices is considered a branch of physics, while the design and implementation of electronic circuits to solve practical problems is called electronic engineering.

These are the services that our research groups can develop. For customized information on the services, please contact us.


Areas of service Applications of the service Scientific infrastructure
Electromagnetic compatibility Electromagnetic compatibility tests and advice on electronic design Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory -anechoic chamber
Power electronics Reliability and predictive maintenance of electrical systems and power electronics  
Electric motors Design, simulation and optimisation of cooling systems for electrical and electronic motors and systems. Calculation cluster and and CTTC simulation and design software
Development of motors, components, electrical and electronic systems, and regulation and control systems  
Design, control and supervision of industrial electrical and electronic equipment, including power converters Experience in the use and development of CAD techniques for the analysis and design of electronic circuits. Switched circuits, variant circuits, non-linear circuits and distributed parameter circuits. Analysis of stability and bifurcation.  
  Positioning of sensors, organisation to receive, process, visualise and manage data. For example, in the ALSTOM rail sector, monitoring systems were assembled.   
Management of the measurement chain to obtain data in various areas.   

electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetism, anechoic chamber, radiation, electronics, electronic devices power electronics, electric system, renewable electricity generation, transport and distribution of electrical energy, mechatronics, energy management. renewable energies; energy efficiency in industry, buildings and cities; heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling; thermal systems and equipment (energy storage, use of residual energy, heat exchangers, etc.); thermal management of equipment and current, hybrid and electric vehicles (urban and goods transport, rail, aeronautic and space sectors): health technologies electronic equipment, electrical equipment, power converters, sensor networks, IoT sensors, IoT communications ALSTOM, sensors, data reception, data visualisation, monitoring systems